Thursday, June 1, 2017

My Journey - Do I Make You Uncomfortable?

Edward Lewis: “what’s your name?” Vivian: “what do you want it to be?” – Pretty Woman
Why would I even start a post like that?! Because, this is what most of my life reminds me of. I spent a large part of my life being what everyone else expected or wanted me to be. Of course, keeping up a charade can be difficult, so I would be rebellious every now and again. This did not go over well. Why would it? I am not behaving as expected. Pretending for so long led me to not even knowing who I am. I was a shell of a human being just going through the motions.

I have finally rediscovered who I am and dare I say “I like me.” I even like the parts of me that are shaped by adversity and make me “unhealthy” according to mental health experts. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dating - What's Wrong With Being Single?
Towards the end of last year I decided to start taking dating seriously. I was fed up with not having my needs met. I started evaluating why things were not going as well as I wanted them to. I enlisted the help of a friend…well he decided he was going to keep  me from making the same mistakes I always have because he said I deserve way more than I have gotten in the past. Since then I have not had a frivolous encounter, have either cut off or friend zoned dudes that were not meeting my needs, and have not been on a date because every dude wants to “just have fun.”

Monday, February 6, 2017

Dating - Wait! Not So Fast...

As I navigate this online dating thing of which I am taking a bit more seriously this time around, I have noticed that standards seem to be expected to be lower in this online world than in real life. I would like to dive into this phenomenon and examine it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Dating - Seriously!? The App Dating World is Interesting

My ex and I separated in April of 2014. I did not realize at the time how hard dating would end up being. I am not sure if it is because of my age or because times have changed so much since I was last single. I attempted this dating thing a few times since then and they were epic fails. I took some time off, first because I was exhausted and frustrated, and second because I felt like I needed a plan. That break lasted about 6 months and I am back at it again.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

My Journey - Yep, My Life Is A Bit Of A Mess...Oh Well

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is the problem. - Theodore Rubin is NEVER a problem!

Yep! My love of quotes is back on my blog! :) I really like that quote, not because I need it for myself, but because I have had some run-ins with people who were frustrated with my problematic life.

Where do I begin...

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Journey - A Year Later!

It has been almost one year since my last blog post. I have been on a long journey since that day and I could not bring myself to write during that time. I am ready to write again.

My last post was about me taking care of myself, specifically through physical fitness and relationships. I will talk about my fitness journey in this post because, honestly, it is just easier.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

My Journey - Love Yourself, A Tough Decision

You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection – Buddha
Day 1 of Couch to 5K

What a profound statement. I have always been a giver, to the point that I forget about myself. Over the years I have given to the point that I have become empty at times, and never become full. I seem to attract people in my life that are in need and are unable to give. I have confused what I now consider to be a “project” with friendship. There are people that have entered my life over the years because they needed me to help them though something, but once that has passed they are gone. Those same types of people will disappear sooner if I ever need a hand to pick me up, a shoulder to cry on, or smack in the face to set me straight.

I have also given my all to my children for the last 15 plus years. Do I regret that? Heck no! They needed me and I was there. We have been through so much together and I have gotten them through it all. The last 7 months have been the most draining (in a while). I have re-added working into the equation and temporary single parent-dome (something that I have not done since 2010). About 4 months into this exhausting period in my life, I met a person who inspired me to take care of myself. So, I decided that over the summer, I was going to do for me and who ever wanted to come along for the ride could, but I was not going to wait around.

On June 2nd, I started lifting weights at the gym and started the Couch to 5k program. Holy cow, did I feel guilty. I had to leave Charlie at daycare later and I was rarely home with my older girls. As time has gone on, I have realized that they really do not mind. Yes, they have to help with dinner, but its okay.

I also started evaluating what friendship is and relationships in general. The last week has really helped me gain perspective on that subject. It seems as though the universe knew that I was questioning this subject and sent me all kinds of “educational material.” From a friend who fought with me over our possibly ending friendship (I guess that person really does want to be in my life) to one who straight up told me “I have problems of my own right now and don’t need anything more negative in my life” and then proceeded to tell me their woes while I silently cried on the other end. There were so many other instances that have shown me that I need to be more aware of the people in my life and what their real purpose is. Are they here to be my friend or here for me to “fix.?” I have realized I do not prefer one over the other. I just need to sort them out so I can protect my heart.

The last thing I started doing is to not wait around for people and this includes my children. I do not change my plans any more. I do not say “okay, I’ll wait 30 more minutes for you to be ready.” Do my children and the people in my life get left behind a lot more now? Yes, they sure do. I have since realized that they really do not mind because if they wanted to go they would have been ready or shown up.

I am doing what is best for me right now. It will be short lived because come August, school will start and I will once again become a slave to my children's lives. But, by then, I hope that I will be in a place in my life where I can learn to balance my needs and theirs a little bit better. I also hope that I will retain the good real friends I have that will support me and also draw stronger lines for the ones who are here only for me to save them.