Telling me "noooo." She did not want her picture taken. |
We did our usual "not much" on Monday and clarinet practice and library on Tuesday. Appearantly we have been to the Uptown Station Starbucks so much that Charlie remembers to ask for it now.
We were playing at the playground while waiting for Kairah to finish her clarinet lessons, when Charlie came up to me and said "I thirsty." I said "do you want some water?" She said, "come on mommy." We followed her right to Starbucks where she asked for her usual milk box.
After Starbucks, I let the kids play in the music store where Kairah was taking her lessons. Yes, I am one of those parents that lets my kids play with things in stores. To me, they put this stuff out they must want kids to play with it, especially when they leave a bucket o' sticks next to the drum set. Charlie had a blast! (It is hard to get picks of my older girls, so no nasty comments about Charlie being in most of the photos)
Kailah, Kaijah, Charlie and I went into a few stores while we were waiting. Charlie has been telling me how much she likes things in the store lately, so I decided to help her with a Christmas list. The older 3 have already given me their list, but Charlie is not able to write yet, although she does try. Last Christmas, she would ask for a piece of paper and pencil to write a letter to Santa. When she does this she mimics the characters in Charlie Brown by scribbling and then putting the pencil to her mouth as if she was in deep thought. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Any how, I started taking photos of things she told me she "loves" for a photo wish list.
Of course we had our picnic lunch at the park and two my children played in the sprinkler pad. Which brings me to this photo <----. This week I remember how much I love ruffle butts on toddlers and babies and I love pretty pink painted toddler toes. I got this cute swim suit on sale at Children's place. I love shopping out of season in Florida because you can wear your new out of season swim suit well into September.
Wednesday was the library program party. The girls bought tons of stuff with their money. Kairah bought Charlie a lot of books; what a sweet girl. They all had fun playing games outside. I have no idea why I have no pictures of the festivities. Lew came over for a little bit on his lunch hour with great news about his inspection at work. His office got 100% compliance. I am so proud of him. He was put in charge of organizing their binders and such.
On Thursday, I did not do much until I took Kailah to Pensacola for a doctor's appointment. On the way she started talking about getting her second holes done in her ears. I was in shock! Let me tell you the story of Kailah's first time getting her ears pierced.
I had the mis-fortune of marrying (two) men who believe that kids should express interest in have their ears pierced before you do it. Kailah asked when she was 3. My ex did not believe me (as he was in Korea when it happened) and got mad at me and said just do them all. Yes! I took Kailah (3), Kairah (2) and Kaijah (almost 1) to the mall that day. I was so excited. What mom does not want to pierce their daughter's ears. I had Kailah go first. She sat nice and tall in the seat. They popped her ears at the same time, she scream and jumped out of the seat and ran down the mall walkway. They almost did not get the gun un-hooked before she took off. She was mortified. The other two did just fine.
Kairah has had two holes for almost 4 years now. Kaijah got her second holes done a few years ago and let them close up. So, Kailah asking was very surprising. Lucky for me the mall is across the street from hospital. Ha! Kailah is known for blaming others for things not going her way and this was perfect timing so I did not have to hear her complain and I was curious to see how she would take it. I am so proud of her. She did really well and is very happy with her second set of holes. Now she wants her cartilage done and Charlie finally told her dad that she wants earrings. Oh yes! These are my
I am seriously starting to appreciate all our base has to offer families. Lew has taken the girls to the Sound (beach inlet) on base to play in the water a few times and even rented equipment. We went to the Sound on Friday with the EFMP program and had a blast. We had free rentals and BBQ dinner. Although it was extremely windy, we all tried the Stand Up Paddle boards and Kayaks. (I am still sore and it is Sunday) Of course a storm came in about 30 minutes before it was over and we headed to the Landing Zone (Recreation Center) on base. Family movie night was moved from the Sound due to the storm. It was a long night, but the girls all had fun sitting on the bean bags watching The Empire Strikes Back.
famished from all the shopping, Logan's! Yum! |
I did take Charlie to the zoo for a few hours when I got back. She had been asking to go on a 'fari for a few weeks; she would even bring me a hat to wear and a map. Charlie was so sad when I left in the morning. I told her I would take her somewhere when I got back. After her nap she asked where I was and told Lew that she wanted to "go right" and kept pointing down the road. We wore the hats, fed the animals, and rode the train. She loves that place. Our annual passes are one of my best investments of the year.
We are all looking forward to our vacation. I will most likely not be posting until we get back in a few weeks. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their summer. We only have a few more weeks :D