I have to accept that I am not superwoman, but it is so hard. There are so many things that need to be done and so many things I want to do. I honestly think I have more duty titles now, than I did when I was active duty. I am a housekeeper, childcare worker, full time student, tutor, yard maintenance person, house maintenance person, personal chef, nutritionist, gardener, woodworker, painter, seamstress, soap-maker, alarm clock, beautician, shelf stock manager and therapist.
(I have edited this list a few times while typing this, ha!)
from pinterest, owner unknown |
I do not remember working this hard at home when I had a job. I know part of it is three of my children are older and much more needy (I thought they get less needy and less expensive as they got older....NOT!). They actually make larger messes and are less likely to clean it up. These kids crack me up. I tell them to clean THEIR own bathroom and they question why THEY have to do it. Seriously...lol. I have tried paying them to do extra chores to free me up to do homework or whatnot and they say they will do it and never follow through. I think it is because we are so "free" with money with them, so my husband and I decided that it is time for these children to learn what having a job is all about. We are determined to nix extras. If they want a "fun" shirt at school or to go get ice cream and it is not a special occasion, then they can earn the money. I mean seriously! What happened to the kids that peddled their babysitting and lawn mowing "business." Forget having a lemonade stand because its against the law now...did you know that?!
Anyways back to me. My new duty title of childcare worker is because I am a stay at home mom. I am starting to realize that being a mom to Charlie is just not enough anymore. She needs playmates and freedom. I have tried taking her places she can play with other kids, but she just wants me. So, this duty title will be removed in January if I can get her into daycare. I think it will be worth the financial sacrifice for my sanity and her growth. But, that only gets rid of one duty title. What do I do about the rest?

It is so hard to chose because some of the things I like to do and some need to be done. It gets a little aggravating putting my hobbies to the side. I read blogs and know people locally that seem to be able to do all this, accept the full time student thing. So I wonder, is that the problem? It couldn't be because I took the summer off and still felt overwhelmed. Is it mismanagement of time? I never had a problem with that at work, but being home all the time and not having an ending to my day could be the culprit. Who knows. All I know is I really need to contract out some of my duties...lol.
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