Yesterday I woke up with a purpose. I had something to look forward experiment! I got ready as if I had to leave by 8:30am. I showered, got dressed, and even put a little make-up on. I also got my DD4 who is 2 dressed all ready to go. We ate breakfast and I even had time to put the dishes away and start some laundry. At 8:30am it was time to "leave for work."
DD4 and I went for a walk which took me about 30 minutes...amazingly this about the same amount of time that it takes for DH to get to work. I tried to get DD1, 2, and 3 to go, but they are enjoying their Thanksgiving Break too much. When I got "to work" I felt refreshed from the walk, but I had one lingering question. "What is different about "being at work" and "being at home?" I still have not decided that, but I did tell myself that I needed to do things that are productive. I cleaned out my drink station and worked a little bit on my baking stash of junk. I also started Day 1 with FlyLady by shining my sink. I think that was my favorite part. It was so therapeutic. (If you want more information on FlyLady go to www dot FlyLady dot net) Later on I took my DDs out back and we checked on the family garden (I say it very expressively when I talk about it at home - FAMILY GARDEN people! not Mom's Garden!). I also had my kids do a little yard raking so we could feed the composter. So far I feel accomplished. The rest of the day went as usually: a little bit of art, TV, nap, and boredom (for the kids). I also got a whole Chapter of Homework done after drinking my saved Gingerbread latte from Starbucks (purchased on special the night before). Tasted great!
Oh I forgot! I even found the time to type up two Letter of Counselings for DD1 and DD2 for fighting. I got a kick outta typing these up. I even formatted the style to Air Force as best as I could remember. It even lightened up my husband's day when I emailed to him.
Here is what they said:
1. On 20 November 2011, you were in two verbal and physical altercations with (DD1or2). This is in direct violation of Rule #3 of the Family Contract dated 17 May 2011. You are here by counseled.
2. In our family we respect one another. Also, you are the (second) oldest child and I expect you to set the example for your sisters. If you have an issue with someone, I expect you to handle it without yelling, name calling, or any physical violence. Any further misconduct will result in future negative consequences.
I worded it appropriate for each of my kids. You should have seen their faces when I had them sign the paperwork.
So then the time came to "go home." I decided to seem even more crazy, I would "walk home" the opposite way. I have to say, I think the afternoon walk did more good than the morning walk. It was nice to leave the stale house and get a break from the kids....although I had 3 of them with me.
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