For the last few weeks I have been thinking about all the things I am going to miss while my husband is gone for a year. When he deploys I actually feel more sorry for him than me because deployment conditions are crap. But, now he will be in pretty nice surroundings so I actually feel sorry for me this time. So here are my top five things I will miss while the hubs is away:
5. Having someone who is always willing to go anywhere with me
My husband is the one person that I can count on to happily go pretty much anywhere with me. Sometimes I try to get a friend to go somewhere and it just falls through or whatever, but my husband is always game for anything.On some of the nights we watch our shows (because we watch them almost every night), Lew will either bring junk food home or make a run to the corner store. I am often too lazy to do this, but I so love eating all that crap that I refuse to buy and bring into the house on a regular basis.
3. Being Warm
Lew and Charlie are like furnaces. I have to keep the A/C going pretty good at night in order to not overheat. I usually lay on top of the blankets, but if I am ever cold I can just sit or lay next to him and I am instantly warm again. He tells me that I have Charlie while he is gone, but that is not the same. She moves around too much and quite often kicks and head butts me at night. Lew has learned to stay on his side of the bed and if we are sitting next to each other he is pretty still.
2. Being able to runaway and hide when he gets home
On those days that the kids have just driven me almost to the cray cray house (which is almost every day during the summer), I run away to the room soon after my husband gets home. I usually have dinner already done, so I just say "I'm spent (or something like that), I'll be back in a few." He just says "okay." Sometimes I am back in 5 minutes and sometimes I am gone until 8 at night. Either way he does not mind. Of course he comes to the room and gets out of his uniform and tells me about his day. I'm not hiding from him. I am hiding from the
1. Kisses good-bye and hello everyday.
Lew has always been the sweetest about kissing me. When we were dating he would always kiss me on the forehead when he left if I fell asleep watching a movie. He still does this when he goes to work. I am a light sleeper, but I enjoy the kisses so much that I just lay there and pretend that I did not feel them. After almost 6 years of marriage, he knows I do this because on the random occasion that he forgets, I let him know. He also kisses me on the cheek every time he comes home from work. Even if I am in a heated conversation with one of my teenagers, he will wait patiently. It makes me feel so special.
That man may drive me insane from time to time, but I love him so much!
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