Monday, June 10, 2013

Princess Week Awesomeness!

Last week was Charlie's first week out of "school." It was a big transition for both of us. She seemed quite happy to be home with me. On the other hand, I think the adjustment was a bit harder for me. First, I was dealing with some big news (more on that to come in the future) and when ever I have "infinite" time at home I procrastinate on everything! 
Anyhow, the highlight of our week was the princess activities we did. I did not plan a huge amount of things. I just found princess coloring pages here and activities here
Every evening I would pick something for the next day and we would improvise with what we had.

On Friday, I had Charlie do a fashion show to share what she had crafted with me through out the week.
Here is the Aurora crown we made together. She wore it most of the week.
I was so happy that two of her big sisters, Kairah and Kairah, sat in the "audience" with me. 
Here is Charlie showing of the Cinderella headband we made. 
This was a last minute idea since she kept wanting more headbands. 
This was the actual Cinderella craft we picked out together. 
She made her version of a fairy godmother wand. I was so proud of how much she loved this creation.
It went most places with us.
As you can see from this picture, she was wearing a too big for her dress. 
This costume is one of Kaijah's old costumes from Halloween. 
Charlie loves to dress up in old Halloween and Recital costumes.
Charlie and I made this cool little Snow White "feather" duster which she decided was a duster and broom. 
I said "Great! It can clean multiple surfaces." She loved demonstrating its abilities on the "cat walk."
This lovely necklace is supposed to represent the movie Tangled and Rapunzel. It is a frying pan. 
Charlie's favorite part was stringing the beads.
 My favorite part was listening to the wonderful song she made up about stringing the beads. 
My favorite part of the fashion show was Charlie's twirls. She had so much fun doing this fashion show. 
She followed directions very well. I drew out the path (see below) and she did exactly what I told her to do 
(and I only told her once).


We enjoyed princess week so much we decided to do it again the following week with 5 more princesses. 
I look forward to sharing that with you. 

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