Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Challenge - Craft for Income

So, I have had a few people suggest to me that I should craft for income. I tried in the past with making soap, but people wanted the same thing they buy in the store and for less. Therefore, I did not sell many bars of soap. The plus side to that experiment was I have plenty of super awesome soap for my family to use.

Then I started sewing a lot. I started sharing my sewing projects and again it was suggested that I sew for some money. I have put it off for a few reasons. (1) I often wondered how these other moms do this. Where do they find the time and what do they do with their children. I sometimes pictured their little toddlers working away in mommy's sweatshop (lol-bad I know) (2) My crafts have always been fun for me. Even after cursing my sewing machine out, it still felt like fun. I did not want the fun to be taken out of crafting. (3) Who the heck would buy an imperfect sewing project? Seriously people, handmade is never perfect. We are not computerized machines. Plus how much would someone pay. Is it worth my time and would it cover my expenses?

Finally, last week (Tuesday to be exact) I decided "why not? I am unemployed." I thought I should be logical about it, so I made a list of projects and how many I should make and gave myself a week to do it.
Here is the list:
Small Bag 4 (I had just finished the frog one)
Big Bag 5
Bibs 5
Crayon Roll 5
Garden Apron 5
Capelet (threw this one in there because I need to get Charlie's costume done.
Day 1 I was already frustrated. I had to go through the grey bin and that cardboard box to find fabric. Granted the grey bin is organized by color, but I had to tear everything out of that closet to get to it. The cardboard box is the fabric I have not organized yet. Then, I had to find fabric that coordinated. It was very nerve racking. I had to make sure that my choices were sane. I sometimes pair things together that other people think is crazy. Seriously! I paired green and purple together all the time back in California and I was made fun of. Here it is cool because people know that those two colors go great together. And then add some gold and you have Mardi Gras!
 For the rest of the week I cut and cut and cut some more. I do not have a sewing room, so I had to use what I had available. The two trays served their purpose, but they also became and eye sore. I was not about to put all that crap away and have to take it out every time I wanted to work on it. There it sat in my living room taunting me; calling me lazy and unorganized.
 Today I started ironing and pinning things together. The best place to set up my ironing board is in my front entry way. I did not realize how long it would take to pin and iron things. By now I am hating sewing. This is not fun at all!
This little guy was the bane of my existence today. It kept falling and unraveling. All the while I was dreaming of one of those cool tables the ladies at JoAnn's use to cut fabric.  At the end of my one week experiment this is what I have to show for it.
 ^three prepped small bags and one that is cut.^
 ^3 cut bibs^
^4 cut crayon rolls^
...and no desire to finish any of these projects at the moment.

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