Saturday, January 14, 2012

I am a fixer

     In the last half of my Air Force career I discovered what I was good it was not customer service :P .  I was good at fixing things.  After I was done fixing a program I was itching to move on to the next thing.  I had a supervisor that noticed this and put me to good use.  I then discovered that my career field was full of lazy folks that did just enough to get by, told people what they wanted to hear instead of finding the right answer etc which unfortunately gave my career field a bad name.  I on the other hand made it my lot in life (well Air Force life) to make sure that everyone I came into contact knew the right answers and had a stream lined process that was easy for their lazy butts to follow. 
     Now, I find that my life is following the same pattern...I keep having curve balls thrown at me and also have a need to find the "right" answers to everything.  I do not take no for an answer very often.  So over the last few years I have been finding new information about eating and health.  This information has transformed my cooking, pantry, and yard many times.  I have finally started successfully growing my own produce, shopped for deals on organic, and learned how to make many things from scratch.  Soooooo I guess it was about time for another curve ball.  My DD1's psoriasis has flared up bad and I refuse to put her on immune suppressants (that is a lazy easy fix that can destroy your body), so here I go researching and found that most psoriasis suffers (with good Drs) are intolerant to gluten which causes their body to react and flare up psoriasis.  With this information in hand and linking other symptoms to my daughter and myself our family decided to go on a gluten free diet.  It does not hurt to go on this diet.  It is just like making a choice to not eat meat.  My journey begins with looking for deals on gluten free products and researching recipes to make my own things like bread, hot cereal, crackers, granola, and pancakes.  I refuse to pay these high prices for specialized food.  I am so excited to be "fixing" another problem and hope that it will slow down her psoriasis.

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