Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Necessity of a "Lunch Hour"

Yesterday I found myself stressed out and flustered and realized it was because I had been with my dear daughters pretty much non-stop for a week. I re-realized the need for a "lunch break". Here is the background on this not so new concept of mine.

When I was active duty I thought working through my lunch hour and never leaving my desk made me a better airman. Wow, was that so not true.  It may make you seem to be a hard dedicated worker, but all it really does is stress you out and make you a bad customer service representative. I would find myself angry and short with customers. I would work slower and dread even going to work.

One day I received a new supervisor and he explained to me the necessity of breaks. He explained that a person should not sit at their desk or work space all day and just push through. Get up often, talk to others for a few minutes, use the restroom, grab a snack and take your lunch break away from your work even if it is 30 minutes at a table outside.

This bit of superior knowledge helped me immensely. I was happier, more productive, and a better customer service person. I even felt better about going to work and was a happier person picking up my children from daycare.

So, yesterday I found myself trying to explain this concept to my 3 eldest daughters. I asked them to support my break at 4pm by taking care of themselves and their little sister. I let them know how much I needed this so I was not a crazy person to them or their father when he got home at 5pm. Sometimes my break would be cooking dinner with some music on by myself in the kitchen or napping if I had dinner in the slow cooker, but either way I needed it. I went over all the wonderful things I did with them throughout the day and asked if an hour to myself was too much to ask for...they agreed that it was not.

I hope that they will be understanding at 4pm from now on and give me this time. On another note, my husband is so wonderful. He gave up his night out last night for me. He allowed me to escape the house for some me time and as I type this I am home alone because my dear daughters took their father out and about today. On one hand I feel guilty for not being a part of the festivities, but on the other hand it seems a little selfish that I do not give my husband his own time with his daughters...right!? :D

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