Sunday, January 12, 2014

Give of Yourself to be Happy

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schewitzer (Philosopher, Physician, Nobel Peace Prize winner)

I am in my mid-thirties now and I can say that the last 5 years of my life have been the most eye opening. Especially this last year and a half. I have learned many lessons that I am now trying to teach to my children. But, nothing can replace learning things for ones self. Over the last year or so I have either been a work-study earning minimum wage and giving my all or a volunteer. Most people that volunteer will tell you how immensely gratifying it is. Unfortunately, in our society, many will not even try to volunteer their time and effort for FREE. My experience with volunteering has been extremely gratifying and sometimes looked down upon by others who wish to taint it's goodness.

I question those who would question why I do for others when others will not either do for themselves or me. The biggest lesson I have learned as of late is that I cannot control other people. I can only be the best me I can be and either set the example for others or encourage them to be a better them. I will admit that there are a lot of times that I do get "taken advantage of" or feel like no one gives a doo-doo about me. What do I do then? Well, I usually get upset and allow myself a 24 hour pity party of junk food and sometimes a little alcohol here and there.

Now, that I am an employed person I will have to lessen my volunteer time, but I am still planning on volunteering outside of work and definitely going above and beyond in my job; which I have already been warned is a no-no and looked down upon. I do not define my job by the maximum hours I am allowed, nor by the job description. To me it is more about "am I meeting the desired end result." If I am not, then I guess I will have to be considered a volunteer at work sometimes and get the mission complete.

I suggest everyone find a way to give FREELY to others, even if it is just a smile and a "hello." Give of yourself and make someone else's day a little brighter - a little easier - a little less complicated.

Anyone want an update on my bathroom mini renovation?
I have put paint on the walls! Woot woot!
Can I just put a shower curtain up and pretend its done now?

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