Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Journey - Making Decisions

When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier. - Roy E Disney
(so I mention "Disney" and I feel the need to post random Disney photos that have nothing to do with the content of this blog :D enjoy)

Well, if Mr. Disney is correct then my values are not clear to me.  Or maybe I have developed Decidophobia (yes it is a real thing - fear of decision making). I have always been good at giving advice to others, but my advice always came with choices and not a definitive answer. The same holds true with making decisions for my life. I am able to see all possible paths, but I am unable to choose one until I am forced to. I almost always seem to regret my choice eventually.  So, to help me with my current mess of a life state of affairs I am turning to the vast knowledge of the world wide web and thought I would share what I have found.  
Good Life Zen - 9 ways to make the right decision <--- this was the first link that sparked my attention in google. I tried some of the ways out immediately after I read through them. #9 is the worst for me. I have never been able to just make a decision and let it go. For goodness sake I have been beating myself up for my career decision 5 years ago. I think that last part that states "Whatever you do, the only key to making the best decisions in life, is to want to" is the key to my woes, especially now. I never wanted to make these decisions. This is not how I saw my life at this point.

Essential Life Skills .net - keys to making a good decision <--- this is one of the duh, this is so logical ones. It almost sounds like school. Of course I can do the keys as always but its those "points to consider" at the bottom that get me every time. Seriously, you want me to not let fear stop me, but I am scared shit-less that I am going to make not only my life terrible, but also my family's life terrible to. And that being fearful prevents me from making a decision; therefore I get stuck and do nothing. 
Oprah .com - 7 steps to making better decisions <--- of course has an article about decision making. So, after you  read the anecdote about picking out paint for a new apartment you get to the actual suggestions. So, #5 is really standing out to me. Don't make decisions under stress or rush. Anyone that has ever been forced to make a decision (ie. under the umbrella of a Military move) understands that this is not always possible. In my case this is the neon light over my head all day and all night. "HELLO CHRISTINA! DON'T SCREW THIS UP OR YOU WILL PAY FOR IT FOREVER! BUT YOU MUST MAKE DECISIONS NO LATER THAN ____!"  
Life Hack 7 ways to make life changing decisions <--- okay last one. All I have to say about this one is the title is very misleading. If losing 10 pounds and waking up earlier are life changing decision I would be extremely happy with making those decisions. I was super excited about reading this article because I have some serious life changing decisions to make, but instead I just shook my head in disappointment when I read it. There is some value to the steps, but the examples were just as lame as the paint choice in the Oprah article.
After reading these articles I had realized one thing, I already knew this crap. Also, it has not made me feel any better about my decision making skills or lack there of. I do know one thing, if I leave the decisions up to my spouse, like I was contemplating doing, I will be more upset if they go awry. I just have to put some more thought and research into these things and maybe get some advice and hard information. An educated decision always seems to be the best option.

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