Thursday, October 3, 2013

Spice it Up!

I have decided that this week I would not write about anything thought provoking or emotional. I am honestly tired of reading my Facebook feed because it is full of depressing stuff. So lets talk about seasonal change and seasonings.

For some reason seasonal change also sparks new found desire in me to get organized. It does not matter which season, it just happens. The last two weeks I have been pouring over my budget, rewriting chores for the kids, reviewing our schedules, rereading FLY Lady inspiration, filling up my spice mixes, cleaning out my pantry cabinets, deep cleaning, bug spraying, purging crap...oh the list could go on and on.

For this (short and sweet) post I thought I would share which spice mixes I keep on hand. I either buy individual spices at the store with a coupon or figure out how much I need and buy it in "bulk" (ha not really bulk. If I need 2 Tbs, thats all I buy) at my local co-op. I do not have some special recipes that were passed down to me. I only have what I have found on the internet. I will link the pages because I am not a thief. Happy Spice Mix Making :D

Chai (recent addition)
Tandoori (recent addition)
Cajun (recent addition) 

I am sure most of you noticed the "October Unprocessed 2013" sticker on my blog. I have taken the challenge to eat unprocessed food (minus my few exceptions) for the entire month of October. Check out what it is all about here.

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