Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Anyone else frustrated with trying to be healthy?

So as I write this blog I am extremely hungry. Why you may ask. The answer is simple, I have no idea what to eat anymore.

I remember having a discussion with one of my previous supervisors who was a complete gym rat. He told me I need to eat healthier and I would lose weight. I laughed at him and said I tried that and I gain weight. I never understood why until the internet boom. You see, I have a thyroid condition called Hashimoto Thyroiditis which causes my metabolism, among other things, to go out of wack. I discovered via the world wide web that there are healthy foods that can prevent your thyroid from functioning at its peak, especially if you already have a crappy thyroid. What!!!! This is why I could eat McDonalds and not gain a pound (as long as the calorie take was minimal), but if a ate raw veggies and grilled chicken I get fat.

photo care of wikipedia
I am completely serious about this. I have compared websites and researched. Here is the list of fruits and veggies that I am to avoid: broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cassava (tapioca starch), kale, lima beans, mustard greens, peaches, radishes, rutabaga, soy, spinach, strawberries, sweet potatoes, and turnips. Most of these items are staples for vegetarians, vegans, and folks that juice. Oh, but the list does not end there. These are just the foods that slow down my thyroid production. I am also to avoid: alcohol, caffeine, dairy, gluten, iodine, millet, peanuts, pine nuts, rapeseed, rice, and soda.

Now, I do not just have to consider my health either. I have a daughter with psoriasis that I am trying to control without medication. Here is her list of no-nos: alcohol (of, cheese, chocolate (what!?), citrus fruit, gluten, milk, most spices, peppers, pickles, pork, red meat, and yogurt.

Lets look at the list of seasonal produce and see what my daughter and I can eat: avocado, carambola (what ever that is), eggplant, grapes, guava, mango, mushroom, onion, papaya, passionfruit, snap bean, and tomato. What kinda "juice" can I make with this; or a meal for that matter? It is completely frustrating. I just say "screw it" most of the time and just eat whatever. For instance I have been drinking the Happy Shake and I am so damn tired, but my tummy feels good. Its that darn spinach that is supposed to be healthy for me.

So, needless to say, I am frustrated. I feel horrible "healthy" and horrible not "healthy." I am honestly so tired of seeing how great healthy eating, vegan, raw, paleo, etc works for other people. I guess you always want what you cannot have and I really want to be healthy and feel healthy.

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