Thursday, June 20, 2013

Big News...

My husband, who is in the Air Force, was selected to relocate to Korea for a year...WHAT!?

Let me tell you what happened.

Lew Text: Hey! When does my brother leave Korea.

My Text: Idk. Why? If you got picked up, I am going to kick your ass and the assignment counselors ass

Lew Text: Get your boot ready
(I know it would have looked better if I did that picture view, but I don't keep my messages long :( )

Really!? This is how he tells me. It was not funny at the time, but it is funny now. You see, we were not expecting this because he cleared out his assignment request list and being selected with out volunteering is almost unheard of anymore. Plus, he had spent most of his career overseas, so he was not "hot" for another tour. I was so angry with the Air Force, until my husband tells me he was selected as a volunteer. Then I was mad at him for volunteering, until I found out that he did clear his list, but the Air Force did an upgrade to the system and my husbands old list came back. Ohemgee! What do we do now?

We just purchased a house a little over a year ago. We had planned on being here another 5 years. But wait! Maybe all of this is happening for a reason. I took a few days to meditate on it.

Let's see: I am unable to find a job. I put it out into the universe that if I could not find a job by a certain date that I would start cosmetology school in the fall just in case we move and it is considered a portable career for military spouses. Hmmmm also we found water damage that was not found by the inspector, but was from the previous owner. This gives us time to correct it before putting the house up for sale instead of finding out while selling it.

Instead of doing what I would normally (which would be to cause a big stink about it), I decided to embrace it and conclude that everything is going to be awesome!

Well things just got more awesome! My husband just got his follow-on assignment. It is to Germany. This is a happy-oh crap moment. I am super happy about going to Europe, but super scared we will not be cleared to go.

Today I scrambled to complete over 100 pages of forms (yes 100 pages...I cannot pull up Air Force forms on a personal computer and I swear I wrote some things more than 50 times over) and drove all over Santa Rosa county to drop them off. I still have more to drop off for review by medical, dental, schools, and counselors. And just think I get to do this all over again 6 months before we leave, but if I do get to do this 6 months before we leave it means that we were cleared initially and that will be A-OKAY with me because we will more than likely be cleared again!

I will keep you all posted with the ups and downs of this new journey.

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