Monday, June 24, 2013

PCS - Ahhhh The Stress Begins

We are over a year out from moving, but I am super stressed. My first area of concern is our medical clearance. This process is a beast when you know there are things that can cause issues in the process.

My daughter and I have been going to counseling for over 5 years. We both have struggled in the past with some personal issues, but have been doing well for the last 3 years and pretty much go out of habit. I never thought anything of it because WE WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE

All of our medical and "mood" issues have been "cleared" or "contained" with a simple diet change. The only thing left is normal people problems like any other dysfunctional family. So and so did you wrong; you hold a grudge; you feel yucky inside; you decide to let go and then feel better. Rinse and repeat...

This counseling thing might be the lone reason for us not moving with my husband to Germany. So as I researched what steps to take after finding out about this assignment, I just keep telling myself "we will get cleared" or "I will change their mind with a well drafted rebuttal letter if I need to."

During my research I found out that not much has changed in the Air Force. With the downsizing and dependence on computers, no one knows what the eff they are doing. I got three different answers for proceeding and decided to look it up myself. I figured that even though the person taking my paperwork told me to turn in 1 form and nothing else that I would still turn in all the forms like the regulation said and have all of our off-base records sent to base. This way, it is there if they need it or they can disregard if they don't.

If they clear us knowing everything, then we are good. If they do not clear us, I would rather know now than 6 months before leaving when we ABSOLUTELY HAVE to give them everything.

Let me tell you filling out forms that ask for the same information on each and every page for 5 people is time consuming and annoying. I really wish I would have had my husband do it at work because he could have typed it and only had to change a few things for each form and person. I know better. My motto has always been "work smarter, not harder", but I had already printed the forms and knew that I wanted them out of my lap and on another person's desk.

This experience has also taught me that off base folks are not as welcoming of this process as on base. I got some strange looks and attitudes when dropping off the paper work. I understand that some of the forms are 6 pages long, but if you look closely not everything needs to be filled out unless you are a HOT MESS and only ask for the last 12 months. My biggest obstacle is my doctor right now. He is always busy, not much for paperwork and going out of town. My kids' doctor requires me to pay to have forms filled out which stinks and I will be dropping off to her in the near future and hope to not get any issues from her snooty front desk lady. The dental office lady was super sweet and the schools gracious. So as always, we must take the good with the bad.

Fingers and toes crossed!

Ha! A few hours after writing, this our therapist called. She is super stoked about our assignment and wants to have a final session to get some closure for us before signing off on the forms. I truly hope that her positive attitude will help with the clearance.

(I have decided to kinda label my posts so you know what they are about- PCS means permanent change of station - this would be a post about my husbands orders and our happy and sad moments working through it)

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