Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hello Isaac!
We are preparing for a hurricane here and it is my first time having to do this. It is very nerve-racking. Every time I get on Facebook I see posts about being scared or making fun of the people getting 20 loaves of bread at Walmart. I am trying to take a more common sense approach to things. I also thought I would share my feelings and doings during this storm threat.

When I first found out yesterday that we should start preparing I just figured I would keep my gas tank full, make sure we have some batteries and flash lights. I had the hubby pick up some water and charcoal (which was already on the list to get due to an awesome sale).

As time goes on and I read Facebook posts I start to realize that maybe I should be more worried and start hoarding things. Maybe I should go buy a generator so I do not loose the $400  in meat in my freezer (of which I never buy this stuff in bulk and I am kicking myself for doing it last month). Maybe I need to buy a gun to fend of looters. I do not want to be a crazy, but to say that I am not worried would be lying.
My husband and I compromised on some things and we decided to just get some extra ice to have on hand to try to save as much meat as possible and as far as the rest we will just figure it out as things happen.

I had to have the preparation talk with my kids by myself tonight because my husband was called into work to prepare for the coming storm. I had to be careful not to scare them, but also prepare them for the worst. I explained the plan for sleeping arrangements in order to have people in the safest possible place. I explained how we can prepare and survive a power and water outage. We started bringing items in to the garage so they cannot be launched into our windows by the wind. We will finish up the larger items tomorrow when Lew is home.

I honestly do not think that someone could possibly be perfectly prepared for natural disasters. I think you do the best you can and what you think is right. When a situation arises you put on your common sense cap and shield of bravery and deal with it.

As time goes on I will try to post about what we are going through unless we lose power. :D

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