Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Am Angry With Food Right Now

It's almost summer and many people have been "dieting" since New Years. I have seen some great successes and some huge failures. Dieting and exercising has been one of my struggles for many years now. I have tried fad diet after fad diet and I absolutely do not find joy in exercising.
What sparked me to write about this topic? My latest flip flop weight gain and loss over the last month. Towards the end of the semester I gained about 20 pounds in about 2 weeks. I was extremely tired and was feeding my body garbage which gave me a quick up with a huge crash. The last of those two weeks I started eating gluten-full foods like crazy. My joints started hurting again which made it hard for me to go for my walks that I had started during that time, but I stuck with it. I also had ridiculous mood swings. I then added mass amounts of dairy to the mix. (face palm) Why did I do this to myself? Just like any other person with "food issues", I fed my emotions and stress.

A week after graduation I scolded myself and stopped the gluten madness and had my last bowl of ice cream two nights ago. Since then I have dropped 15 pounds and I am finally getting my energy back. I still have food issues and I am extremely angry with food. I sometimes wish I lived in a place without easy to access processed foods. That would be the simplest fix to mine and others dieting woes. Why do I think that? I believe that if I had to make my own potato chips I would not bother. If I did, the chips would have no more than 3 ingredients. If I wanted ice cream, I would have to make it from scratch and would be minus the frankenchemicals. If I wanted some tortillas (which I miss dearly) I would have to make them and would not have added flour to beef them up.

I look at the ingredients in the things I used to buy (and still sometimes give in and buy) and I wonder why all the added "crap?" I just canned some peaches two nights ago and the ingredient list would have been: peaches, lemon juice, water, sugar. That is it! Why do the canned peaches at the store have other things? Why do we accept this?

The three biggest items I work hard to avoid are: chemicals, soy, and gluten. These items mess with any one's body. I have learned through research that people with autoimmune diseases have to pay close attention to foods like these. My autoimmune disease directly affects all of my hormones and my metabolism, hence the weight fluctuations I have all the time.

One day I might have the courage and determination to stick with healthy eating. I might also find the strength to become a runner. Until then, I will continue to keep starting over and over again.

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