Wednesday, May 29, 2013

JMO - Not Enough Yeses in This World

     Is it me, or is there just not enough yeses anymore? It seems that all I seem to hear is "no", "that cannot be done", "that is not possible" and so on. I have become so accustomed to hearing that and now I do not even try to changed it to a yes.
     I am starting to think that there are too many rules in the world and it is doing more damage than good. For instance, I remember when I was a child it was no big deal for a student to be "bumped" a grade or simply fix a credit issue, now it is next to impossible. How do I know this? Because I have been struggling to get my daughter moved up a grade for the last 5 years. She was held back at one point in time and done a disservice.  Everytime I find a way, I get shot down. The weird thing is, there is no real reason other than "thats just not how we do things." That is my other issue with the nos.

     There never seems to be a real reason for "no." Its just no for no's sake. You call a service center to get something done and they say "no" even if they know that they should help you, they still just say "thats not possible."

     I to fell victim to the 'no craze' shortly after I became a single parent. I just became accustomed to saying "no" because my three littles were contantly asking me for something and I was so exhausted. Then, one day I thought to myself "how terrible they must feel always being told 'no.'" After that I would try to talk to them about what they wanted instead of saying "no." This seemed to help with their attitudes even if the end result was "no."

     We have become such a negative society. Our media is full of negativity and garbage. We talk down to each other instead of encouraging each other. We idolize the dirt bags and put down the upstanding citizens. We value less work and demand more for it. We take away the praise for hardwork and only focus on end results of arbitrary tests. We crave more for less, instead of paying a little more for the effort and better quality (coupon craze & dollar store anyone?).

     I have decided that I will do my best to be a more positive person and try to create a positive environment. Are you a "no-sayer?" Do you buy "crap" just because it's cheaper? Do you just take "no" for an answer because you are so used to it? I have decided that I will not be that anymore. I will try to say "yes" more often. I will save for things that are worth my money and give positive reinforcement to those who worked hard to make it. I have also decided to find a way to get what is needed no matter the obstacle. (steps off soap box :D)

P.S. I am not the only person disappointed in our school system and their failure to teach and provide support for students. The reason my daughter was held back was due to standardized test, she had As and Bs. I was informed after the fact, by my daughter, that she fell asleep during the tests (yes 3 of them in the 3rd grade) due to her new medication she was put on. Get rid of standardized tests! Bring back recess, art, music, field trips, classroom pets, experiments, and parties! Give kids time to eat lunch, for goodness sake! Allow teachers to care!: Teacher Quits Over Sad State of School System

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